Monday, April 27, 2009


sorry about the lack of posts these few days. this is my attempt to buy myself some time- putting up a drawing i did for my materials&techniques class. its a pencil and ink drawing of an enlarged sonia rykiel postcard. i promise more interesting updates are coming!
anyway, my weekend was spend working on 4 (FOUR!!!) papers that are due this week. but as of today, i only have 2 left. i already turned in a 10 page-paper this afternoon for film class. my art one is very close to done, just need to finish the model of a picasso sculpture. HOORAY!!
next? architecture. 1/5 done at this moment. haha but im working on it.
can't believe there is only one week of classes left.
and friday is labor day=LONG WEEKEND!
i will get my lazy self out there and hopefully cross some items on my "to go before may 18th list" out. till then, much love ;)

1 comment:

  1. paper superwoman.
    loving your art work.
    lastly, hooray for long weekend!
