Monday, April 20, 2009

dinner time

im so proud i just have to put this up: i made a pot of killer veggie curry today! thats right, i had two plates because it was so good. im hoping it'll feed me for 2 more nights as i slave away on my final papers. this legit asian food better give me energy for my paper...
my personal recipe:
1 box of japanese mild curry
1 yellow onion
4 carrots
6 potatoes
1 cauliflower
and water (don't ask me how much, i cook very unscientifically- it all depends how i feel)
i finished with an "alliance fruitee" mousse. weird, just realized there was totally a brown/yellow/orange theme going on with me meal. i know you all miss photos of pastries, so here:


  1. too good to be true!
    curry+pastries= only charlotte

  2. it looks good! i would eat erm..just the potatoes but haha you and your veggies! you so have to bring me to eat all those pastries if i ever go to paris.

  3. Wow, that curry looks so delicious! You better come home and cook for me.

  4. I did almost the same stuff as you did. How absurd!
    Yours looks much more juicy and delicious.
    I like your color.
    Yam, yam!
