Thursday, March 19, 2009

here comes the sun

the weather was UNBELIEVABLY beautiful today. the sun was out and gloomy winter was forgotten. i forced myself to get up early so i can study for my mid-term and have breakfast before my architecture walk. i can proudly say i followed my plan!
the meeting point for the walk was right outside luxembourg so i decided to go to "le rostand". i got a perfect seat under the shades and view of luxembourg. i was so glad it wasn't as busy as the last couple of times i was there. i read through my notes with a croissant and cafe creme. guess what? i caught my food on camera before eating it this time.

the architecture walk today was definitely one of the best. i actually learned a lot and miraculously remembered plenty of random details. this class is almost a training for tour guides. i have tons of historical background info of paris and stories of different King Louis in my head now....oh yeah, i can also analyze the architecture style and tell you the names of different little parts of the structure (thanks to my architecture dictionary).

central access of Palace de Luxembourg of Marie d'Medici

Church of Sorbonne- originally built by Richelieu
but the plaques with his name are all destroyed during revolution.

finally, Val de Grace- commissioned by Ann of Austria
dedicated to the birth of Louis XIV
the initials AL are shown everywhere, like in the last photo

im still amazed at the amount of history behind each and every one of the buildings. we started in medieval paris and now we're on to 17th century...the city has grew and expanded& the architectural styles have changed drastically and so much more. oh Paris...


  1. here comes the nerd...

  2. oh my god it's such a beautiful city! that looks so amazing. i know this is what i say in like, every comment, but i can't get over it hahaha.
