Tuesday, March 3, 2009

strictly tourist

watch it, the clip says it all. simply love the Paris in Funny Face.
FINALLY, i saw the Eiffel Tower up-close/in person today. somehow, in the past two months, i've never had the urge to visit even though aup is just 10 minutes away from it. so today, since my dear Eileen is here visiting (yes, i feel loved that someone actually was bothered enough to come see me), an obligatory tourist stop was necessary. thank goodness the weather was nice. we had a ton of fun trying to take pictures of/with it.

find eileen.
now look for me.

turn around and voila! theres the montparnasse building and ecole militaire

of course we stopped by the other Parisian gem as well. Laduree:
eileen's sorbet framboise+4 mini macarons
saint-honore rose-framboise deliciousness
(coco, we'll have your macarons for you!)


  1. Those pictures of the Eiffel tower are gorgeous! Also, HOLY COW that looks good. :O

    So jealous. <3

  2. god that looks sooooo delicious!

  3. OMG I want the food, and the eiffel tower, and the pretty paris tourist sites!

    But most importantly i want Charlotte. <3 Miss you girl!
